國際交流 - Fulbright 訪問學人申請


puliclab.org 的 Liz Barry 曾在 2014 年擔任 OSDC 的 keynote speaker, 也和本地一些社群有互動。她提到希望到台灣來駐村一陣子,剛好美國國務院每年都有申請訪問專家的一個專案,提供三週以上的 Residence Program,旅費將會由 Fulbright 基金會負責。經董事工作會議同意,就由國際交流專案來協助她申請訪台,與本地的 Citizen Science / Maker 社群交流。

以下為申請文件,8/31 需繳交

申請文件 (reviesed proposal)

Host Institution: Open Culture Foundation  

Primary Discipline:  Information Technology

Prospective Specialist: Liz Barry, Co-Founder and Director of Community Development at the Public Laboratory for Open Technology and Science; Adjunct Assistant Professor of Architecture, Planning and Preservation at Columbia University; Professor of Educational Leadership, College of Education, Georgia Southern University

Preferred arrival date: Jan. 2, 2015 (21 days) 


Type(s) of activity requested

■ Present lectures and workshops to technologists, civil society organizations, government officials, and the general public


Program description 


OCF will invite the Fulbright Specialist to serve as the keynote speaker for two full-day workshops on “Open Technology and Science” in January 2016. As the keynote speaker, the specialist would share how to best investigate environmental concerns through open technology and civic participation. The two workshops will be designed for local government officials and the general public, respectively.


The specialist will also deliver four to six lectures  and conduct workshops at the FLOSS (Free/Libre/Open Source Software) communities to share his or her insight on open source and technological innovation. OCF will also arrange for the specialist to visit the OpenLab Tapei[1] and National Cheng-Kung University (NCKU), recognized for its strong urban planning and computer science programs, to share his or her experiences in developing and applying open-source tools to solve environmental challenges. 

The specialist will also participate and share his or her experience in two full-day hackathons hosted by the gov-zero[2] community. A hackathon is an event where computer programmers and others involved in software and hardware development, including graphic designers, interface designers and project managers, collaborate intensively on designated projects.  In Taiwan, the g0v community regularly holds hackathons for programs to work collaboratively to resolve public issues.

[1] OpenLab Taipei is one of the earliest maker spaces in Taipei.  With its strong open source and free software roots, technologists and artists work together to build digital gadgets and artworks.

[2] gov-zero (g0v.tw) is an active online community that advocates information transparency and on developing information platform tools for citizens to participate in society since 2012.  With more than 1000 contributors, it’s one of the largest in this kind.  The community hosts weekly focused hackathons, as well as regular bi-monthly interdisciplinary hackathons, which are typically of 120 participants from the software, designer, legal, and civic issue sectors. http://g0v.asia/tw/


Program purpose (Describe the program objectives and provide background on the issues and institutions involved.)


We hope that the specialist will achieve the following goals: 

1. Share successful models of collaboration around “do it yourself” (DIY) technology, citizen science, open data, and user generated content

2. Provide insight and advice on traditionally western DIY environmental technologies through workshop discussions with Taiwan technology experts for mutual benefit

3. Mutual exchange of governmental environmental management methods, combined with the tracing of advocacy pathways available to citizens who are working to build community<->government bridges through open environmental data

4. Establish long-term working relationships among the Open Culture Foundation, Taiwanese open technology communities, and the citizen science communities in the U.S.


Open Culture Foundation (OCF) is dedicated to supporting local communities to use open technologies in a broad variety of sectors. OCF helps governments, enterprises, and NGOs recognize the advantages of Open Source Software, the importance of Open Data, and promotes the culture of open collaboration. In 2015, OCF supported local communities in implementing several large-scale hackathons and conferences, and worked with foreign missions and agencies such as the British Office Taipei, the American Institute in Taiwan, and The World Bank Group, to bridge the gap between local and international communities through discussions.

Citizen science, science conducted by amateur or nonprofessional scientists, has a strong following in Taiwan.  A few local projects have been proposed or discussed in g0v.tw and other communities, such as affordable air quality (pm2.5) sensors, fraud oil detection through laser beams, tree mapping, and water sensors deployment with Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV).  Although there has been development on these projects, the collaboration between Taiwan and similarly related international projects has been weak.


We believe the knowledge and experience from the Fulbright Specialist is crucial for the local community to work in the global context, particularly on developing and engaging communities to apply those technologies for greater impact on environmental challenges.

申請文件 (舊版本)


Program description (In order to provide the best possible matches of specialists with program requests, please be very specific as to the type of and scope of work that the specialist would engage in.)

The Fulbright Specialist would be invited as a bridge between regional initiatives on environmental health and western hemisphere approaches to same. The specialist would give a series of lectures and workshops to technologists, civil society organizations, urban planners, and the general public to explore the potential for collaboration with the goal of building more healthy and resilient local environments, both urban and rural. Equally if not more important would be the resulting exchange of insights and best practices among practitioners from different regions regarding urban environmental management and the structure of massive collaboration. 

The specialist will share his or her experience in community collaboration that empowers existing technology communities, NGOs, and government agencies to work together to understand, document and address environmental health issues. The Open Culture Foundation is planning to organize two workshops featuring in Open Technology and Science in January 2016. We would like to invite the specialist as keynote speaker to share how to investigate both urban and rural environmental concerns through open technology and open participation.  The specialist is also invited to visit the local FLOSS (Free/Libre/Open Source Software) communities to share the experiences of the collaboration between technologists and citizens in large. We would arrange the specialist to visit the OpenLab Tapei [1] and the g0v community[2]. We are delighted to have the specialist to share his or her experiences of developing and applying open-source tools to solve the environmental issues.

[1] OpenLab Taipei is one of the earliest marker space in Taipei.  With its strong FLOSS roots, technologists and artists work together to build digital gadgets and artworks.

[2] g0v.tw is an online community that advocates information transparency, focusing on developing information platform and tools for the citizens to participate in society. http://g0v.asia/tw/


citizen science, community science, environmental justice, environmental monitoring, environmental management, maker movement, crowdsourcing, peer production, user-generated content, open source, open data, open hardware, urban planning, urban design

Program purpose (Describe the program objectives and provide background on the issues and institutions involved.)



The Open Culture Foundation (OCF) is dedicated to support local communities to advocate the use of open technologies in broader sectors.  We help government, enterprises, and NGOs recognizing the advantages of Open Source Software and the importance of Open Data, and promote the culture of open collaboration.  In 2015, we supported local communities running several large-scale hackathons and conferences, and worked with institutions like the British Office Taipei,  American Institute in Taiwan, and The World Bank Group, bridging the local and international community of related topics.


Citizen Science and hardware is a current and growing strength of Taiwan, however less influence then expected from this region has been observed on global organizations working in these fields. There is a need to open pathways for increased contribution from -- and recognition of -- Taiwan’s strength in citizen science and open hardware in the broader global context. 

Provide a brief justification for requesting this person

Ms Liz Barry is one of the best-known educators on participatory processes for environmental management. As Director of Community Development for the Public Laboratory for Open Technology and Science, she will serve as a liaison between interested stakeholders from Taiwan and the 10K members of Public Lab, an international community of citizen science, toward the goal of developing a local chapter that will be a leading, long-term influence on the global Public Lab community.

Ms Barry was also invited as a keynote speaker in 2014 at the Open Source Developer Conference in Taiwan.