OCF Description

version of 30 words: 

本會致力推廣各類開放文化活動,如: 開放源碼、開放資料、開放政府。

The Open Culture Foundation (OCF) is dedicated to promoting a number of open culture campaigns, including open source, open hardware, and open data. 

versions of 50 words: 

本基金會致力於推廣各類開放文化活動,包括: 開放源碼、開放標準、開放資料、開放政府與公民科技等相關領域之活動。線上捐款資訊: http://ocf.tw/donate/

The Open Culture Foundation (OCF) is dedicated to promoting a number of open culture campaigns, including open source, open standards, open hardware, open data, open systems, and other related "open" concepts. You can donate to us online at: http://ocf.tw/donate/

verbose (for community)

開放文化基金會 (OCF) 致力於推廣各類開放文化活動,包括: 開放源碼、開放標準、開放資料、開放政府與公民科技等相關領域之活動。本會透過主辦或協辦各類開放文化大小型活動,集合開放文化參與者與社群組織的眾多力量,深耕屬於台灣的開放文化精神。


1. 提供開放源碼相關社群及活動專戶、收取款行政事務

2. 提供各社群贊助特定開發、議題研究專案的財務管道

3. 提供社群商標及法律保護

4. 提供國外非政府法人的對應窗口,對開放、開源有需要進一步聯繫者

5. 針對政府科技制度、法律相關議題提出研究報告及建議

6. 推動開放源碼於各領域的應用(如: 政府部門、非營利組織、業界…)

7. 基金會自己應用、驗證過的技術,可輸出至其他政府、非政府組織

Verbose Community Explanation

The Open Culture Foundation (OCF) is dedicated to promoting a number of open culture causes, including open source, open standards, open hardware, open data, open systems, and other "open" related fields. OCF organizes various types of open-culture activities, and calls together the combined strength of advocates and the community at large to strengthen the vitality of Taiwan’s open culture scene. 

The services we offer:

short (general public)

開放文化基金會成立於 2014 年,由多個開源社群及活動組織共同發起,希望協助台灣蓬勃的開放社群,進一步促進開放源碼、開放資料、開放硬體等自由精神,能更廣泛的於各領域中應用,同時也協助政府、企業及非政府組織更能了解開源軟體的優勢、開放資料的重要,進而推廣開放協作的文化。 2015 年起我們除了支援本地社群主辦多場中大型活動,也和英國代表處、美國在台協會及世界銀行等單位共同舉辦各種主題講座,深耕台灣的開放文化並與國際交流。

The Open Culture Foundation (OCF) was founded in 2014 by members of  Taiwan’s open source community, and our mission is to support local communities advocate the use of open technologies in broader sectors. We help government, enterprises, and NGOs better understand the benefits of adopting open source,and promote the importance of open data to the  public sphere. We believe that a culture of open collaboration is the  foundation for an innovative society, and the engine of a participatory democracy. 

OCF has supported local communities run conferences, and hackathons. We have also collaborated with a number of international offices and  multilateral institutions including the American Institute in Taiwan,  British Office Taipei, and the World Bank. These events have helped deepen the connection between Taiwan’s open-culture scene with  the larger global community. 

long (400-500字)  

開放文化基金會成立於 2014 年,由台灣多個開源軟體與硬體技術社群及活動組織共同發起。基金會成立的主要目的,是希望能夠藉由法人組織的力量,協助台灣資訊軟體界的開放源碼社群,包含開放原始碼軟體、開放資料、開放政府 (公民科技)。三個主要領域的發展和應用。除此之外,也期許能將開源自由的精神,更廣泛地應用在各個領域。因此,除了協助開源社群之外,基金會也協助民間企業、政府單位、非政府組織及學術單位,讓他們更能了解開源軟硬體的優勢、開放資料的重要性,進而在產、官、學三方推廣開源與開放協作的文化。



The Open Culture Foundation (OCF), is a nonpartisan, nonprofit  organization, founded in 2014 by several members of Taiwan’s open source community. Our main goal is to support local communities advocate the use of open technologies in broader sectors, including open source  software, open hardware, and open data. We help government, enterprises,  and NGOs better understand the benefits of adopting open source,and  promote the importance of open data to the public sphere. We believe  that a culture of open collaboration is the foundation for an innovative  society, and the engine of a participatory democracy. 

Since its establishment, OCF has supported local communities to run large-scale conferences, seminars, and hackathons, as well as collaborate with a number of international offices and multilateral institutions to deepen Taiwan’s connection to the global open culture community.  Some of our past collaboration partners include the American Institute in Taiwan, British Office Taipei, Bureau Francais de Taipei, and the World Bank. OCF also has strong connections with the  global open source community, and regularly exchanges experiences with civic tech groups worldwide. Our mission is to build bridges between local and global “open” communities, and hope to act as a mediator for open culture. 

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關於開放文化 / 開源碼

COSCUP 開源人年會



 - ocf is an extension of a previous Pofeng organization that 
